Thursday 7 November 2013

I'm In Hong Kong!

I finally made it! The flight wasn't as bad as I expected, I managed to sleep! Which is a miracle.
Saying my goodbyes in the airport was rather heartbreaking, but I managed to keep myself together!....until I landed in Helsinki to transfer, when it suddenly hit me...

As soon as I arrived in Hong Kong, I was greeted by the views of huge mountains hidden among a cloud of pollution (which added a sense of mystery). Then in the airport me and Yinzi were re-united after 37 days! It feels like much longer than that, hence why she admitted to being so shy for the first hour!

I must admit, the culture shock has already hit me WAY more than I thought. It's crazy to think that this is the 'westernised' part of china, because people act so differently here. Sure there's the odd marks and spencers and nike stores, but apart from that It couldn't feel more alien to me. It's like London, but stretched vertically and plastered in christmas lights!
Even though we all know about the pollution problem here, it still took me by surprise seeing people walking down the street with masks on, and screens on every street advertising the latest 'Designer Gas Masks'.

But truly, Hong Kong is a crazy, and awesome city. If re-located in the middle of the peak district I could happily live here!

Speaking of which, I know this is crazy but....I kinda miss home already. I hope it will pass, but right now, the shock has only amplified the fact that i'm here for 6 months! 180 days! Sure, right now it feels like an adventure - but combined with possibly the biggest self-proving exercise ever.

Nonetheless, i'm here. Maybe my concerns will pass (or amplify for a few days until it wears out...), but i'll give it my best shot. I hope everyone keeps in touch though, I feel the need to be connected to home! But at the same time I need to immerse myself in the unknown, and hopefully I can acclimatize to life in China.