Monday 14 April 2014

A Day Trip to Shenzhen - Visiting my ole pal Dave!

Last weekend I was originally planning on going to Shanghai. I had the hotel booked for 4 nights, but due to a delay for my last pay check I had to book plane tickets rather late on. This backfired and made prices more than twice as much.

So I rescheduled my trip to Shanghai for Thursday and decided to use this opportunity of a free weekend to visit my chum Dave from university, who is currently teaching English in Shenzhen!

Shenzhen is only 1 hour away on the train, situated just north of Hong Kong. It’s a very modern city, having only been a small village around 30 years ago – since then exploding with new development and a population of 10 million! It truly encapsulates the immensity of China's speed of development.

I arrived at Shenzhen by 10:30am and met Dave in the train station. This was truly surreal, as I have had very little face-to-face contact with any westerners since coming to China – with the added fact that I lived with Dave for 2 years at university, it felt unreal to be meeting him on the other side of the world! I think the first thing he said to me was along the lines of ‘small world, eh’, which was quite fitting.

He showed me around the city where we had a few beers and a good Chinese curry, discussing our experiences. I gathered that he came to China for similar reasons as me; a chance to grow socially, improve future job prospects and a fresh start with a big adventure.

We shared how we both found China to be rather overwhelming at first, but have gradually grown to adore the country and struggle with the idea that one day we must leave – this day is much closer for me however, as Dave’s plan will keep him in China for at least another year!

That afternoon we met up with his work colleagues to go on a bike ride along the coast of Shenzhen. Luckily this meant flat terrain and made for a very chilled ride – well for me anyway, Dave’s bike chain kept coming loose every 2 minutes.

The setting was fantastic, and although I was concerned about riding a bike after having nearly no exercise in 5 months (besides climbing mountains) it turned out to be a great mode of transport in the insane 28 degree heat, generating a breeze which handily cooled me down.

At the end of the trail we stopped at a German restaurant for a mighty good meal. This area was like a ‘Foreigners’ paradise’ packed full of westerners - I’m talking 80% of the surrounding population; which was so bizarre for me due to my relatively secluded Guangzhou nurture where I’d maybe see two foreigners in an average week.

Overall it was a brilliant day. I’m glad me and Dave were able to meet while we were both stationed in China, and hopefully he will come to visit Guangzhou in 2 weeks’ time! 


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