Wednesday 26 March 2014

March: A normal month…is life in China now the norm?

It occurred to me the other day that I’ve not written a blog entry in over a month. It’s not necessarily that I haven’t had anything interesting happen this month or that I’ve been incredibly busy, it’s more due to how life in China now feels so….normal. It’s got to the point where I’ve been here so long that it’s now what I associate with my ‘ordinary daily life’, and days back in England are like another world to me now.

It’s also because although a lot has happened this month, there isn’t really anything that has prompted one of my 2000 word reflections…

When walking around one day in an area which I thought was familiar, I was surprised to discover this Church!

But nonetheless, it has been a great month and due to that I want it to keep on record, so when I read back in a few months I can reminisce how normal it felt, and how it will soon feel like a dream. So, I just thought I’d list a few of the things I’ve done this march.

Celebrating mine and Yinzi’s 1 year anniversary!

March 18th marked mine and Yinzi’s 1 year together, which feels great! I’ve never kept a relationship running that long, so it’s great to know that I’m not seen as something to dispose of after a 6 month use by date.

To celebrate we went to pizza hut for the largest meal I’ve had since the Spring Festival! Then afterwards I pestered Yinzi to go with me to the huge toy store next door to play with Lego…I bought some Play-Doh.
As for the gift I gave Yinzi a rather large adventure chest (kind of like a vintage suitcase), containing a framed photo of us both along with a half-full photo album of her travels to England – the idea being that there will be plenty of adventures to come to fill the album when we meet again after I leave China!

Yinzi has not yet got me a present; she says she will get me something great when we go to Beijing next month!

Back up Baiyun Shan/Baiyun Mountain

At work earlier this month I became involved in my first ever ‘team building exercise’. I thought it would be incredibly forced and cheesy….and it was.

Nobody had informed me beforehand, so I just arrived to work for what I felt would be a normal day to be told ‘hey Adam, you’re gonna race up a mountain later!’.

After a typical motivational speech we were split into groups to race to the top of the mountain. Along the way we had to do a series of tasks, and I don’t mean to brag, but I totally led the team to success.

The first task was a jigsaw puzzle, which i’ve always been good at. As everyone crowded round they tried all sorts of methods to no avail. I finally got a space in the crowd and set about arranging the corners and fitting all the pieces – I basically did it all by myself.

The next task was an origami exercise where we had to follow instructions to make a flapping bird, which I already knew how to make off by heart. So instead I just taught everyone how to do it and we set off to the top – and came first! (Wow, I’ve never been so boastful about myself before…)

Unfortunately as it was a surprise visit I didn’t have my camera, so had to settle for a mediocre phone camera. Last time I went to the top of the mountain was December, when the mist was so dense that I couldn’t really see much. This time wasn’t much different, which leads me onto the next subject….


It’s not really an activity, but this month I have seen some of the worst pollution in Guangzhou that I can recall. It hasn’t helped that I’ve had a nasty cold as it’s not done any good for my cough.

The above photos I had to screenshot from a video I took in secret as an officer on the bridge spotted me trying to take photos and he refused to let me…

This image is close to my apartment when me and Yinzi went for a wander in an unexplored direction.
Yinzi hates me mentioning the pollution, and while it’s easy to understand I can’t help but be fascinated. It’s something the people here are ashamed about, which too is understandable. But as shown in the past industrial development of Britain (the country which invented pollution) it’s an unavoidable side-effect of a country taking a huge stride in its progression to becoming a developed nation – I feel as an important turning point in the nation’s history is unfolding before my eyes. It’s grim, it makes everything look dusty and under-saturated, but it makes for a powerful image to encourage change – everyone I have spoken to here is now fully aware of the issue, which will be the driving force for an effective movement.

Sending Gifts to friends and family back in the UK

A photo from the top of the international market, where I bought most of the gifts!

As I’ve received some marvellous presents from folk back in the uk, I thought I would return the favour – on a bigger scale! I bought an array of gifts which filled an entire large suitcase to package and send abroad…
In order to achieve this, I and Yinzi had to travel to a place very far out in the city – taking a good 1.5 hours by taxi. I surprised the postman guy with my colourful collection of items, including: A large dragon/lion head mask, a Kim Jong Un mask, fish ornaments, chicken feet snacks and some more high priced goods for my parents.

Upon leaving the post office we realised the area was so remote that we had no means of getting a taxi back…

Eventually we spotted a guy with a motorbike who gave us both a lift, and I think I’m right in saying that 3 people and 1 large suitcase are not supposed to fit on one small bike… Eitherway the guy bombed it down the motorway while I held onto the bike with one hand, and suspended a large suitcase from dragging on the road surface in the other. A third arm would have done good as I also had a hat which very nearly came off…It was scary, and I was happy to be alive – even with my new vertically accentuated hairdo..

Everyone got their gifts, all was well!

Confusion over travel plans

At the beginning of April I will end my internship and begin my last sightseeing before I go back to the UK. The plan was made a while ago with my friend Kexiong: Meet him in Beijing, then to to Xi’an, and then meet Yinzi in Shanghai. But plans never work out….

Unfortunately I learnt that Kexiong couldn’t get work in Beijing and instead moved to Shanghai, and no longer had the money to travel…

So it seems that a lot had to be cut from my ‘to visit’ list, including: Xi’an, Nanjing, Jiuzhaigou and Guilin…Incredibly disappointing…

But I have to work with my situation, so a new plan has been made.

In 2 weeks I’ll go to Beijing with Yinzi for 3 nights, where I shall see the forbidden city, the Great wall and much more. Then later in the month I’ll stay with my friend in Shanghai, maybe for a week or more! Maybe more can be added to the plans, but at least I can still make it to the two major cities!
So plenty to look forward to, and much more to write about in the next month.


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